Latin America and the New Cold War
- London
Canning House welcomes Sir Robin Niblett, Distinguished Fellow and former Director of Chatham House, to a London launch of his new book, “The New Cold War: How the contest between the US and China will shape our century” (Atlantic Books, 2024).
Roundtable with HE David Choquehuanca Céspedes
- London
Canning House is hosting a roundtable with HE David Choquehuanca Céspedes, Vice-President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.
Women & Politics in Latin America
- Online - Zoom
- 15:00-16:15 GMT
Canning House and our panel discuss the representation and roles of women, among other gender dynamics, in Latin American politics.
Latin American Infrastructure: Sustainability, Prosperity and Innovation
- KPMG, 15 Canada Square, London E14 5GL
- 16:00-18:45 + networking
Development of sustainable transport infrastructure is key to Latin American prosperity. This conference, organised by Canning House in partnership with KPMG, examines how transport infrastructure can help deliver sustainable development in Latin America.