Briefings & Intelligence
18-06-2020 Latin American Weekly Report
Political accord salvages rough week for Piñera
- Canning House
Briefings & Intelligence
Air Travel is Broken
In the first edition of his new blog, our Associate Fellow Andrew Thompson analyses the impact of Covid-19 on Latin America's aviation industry, and its implications for the future of the region's travel and tourism sectors.
- Andrew Thompson
Briefings & Intelligence
11-06-2020 Latin American Weekly Report
New US military presence in Colombia fuels tensions
- LatinNews
Briefings & Intelligence
04-06-2020 Latin American Weekly Report
Knives out for Peru’s prime minister despite winning confidence vote
- LatinNews
Briefings & Intelligence
28-05-2020 Latin American Weekly Report
Argentina’s default number nine: the enigmatic one
- LatinNews
Argentina: A Perfect Storm?
Canning House Associate Fellow Jill Hedges provides an update on Argentina's political, economic & social spheres as the country faces interwoven challenges including the Covid-19 pandemic & its ninth debt default.
- Canning House