
The Canning House Latin American Academic Forum

  • Finton Hanks

On Thursday 13 February the inaugural Canning House Latin American Academic Forum was held in London. The forum was chaired by Laurence Whitehead and featured presentations of recent work from Latin American academia. This space provided an opportunity for Latin Americanists from across academic disciplines to connect and share learnings and work with each other.

Luis Schenoni presented his latest book, which focuses on the impact of war on state capacity in nineteenth century Latin America. Dr. Schenoni’s analysis of war in Latin America challenges recent literature on the subject by showing that war helped states develop during this period, especially those which were victorious on the battlefield.

Turning from the historical theme, UCL’s Leverhulme Visiting Professor, Jacqueline Behrend, presented her recent research on the rule of law in Latin America. Her illuminating talk demonstrated that the concept of the rule of law remains heavily contested in Latin America. Furthermore, in conjunction with Laurence Whitehead, Professor Behrend’s upcoming book shows how the rule of law is invoked by groups across society, putting increasing pressure on the courts. This presentation was followed by an enriching discussion on the aspirational nature of the rule of law, and how Latin America approaches this idea.

The final presentation of the day was given by Bernardo Bátiz-Lazo and Pablo Calderón Martínez and was an analysis of how core banking networks have allowed the expansion of Santander and BBVA into the Latin America. This was followed by a dive into Mexico’s position on matters of digital sovereignty and governance. Mexico currently sits in a middle ground between a more controlled approach to the internet, like that of China, and the libertarian attitude of the USA. As the internet becomes increasingly accessible to Mexican citizens, the government will have to choose its approach.

The day concluded with a reflection on how the Academic Forum should continue. There was a unanimous commitment to a collective responsibility to keep the Forum going into future years with a wide academic remit, bringing together scholars from across disciplines. Canning House looks forward to hosting the next instalment of this distinguished gathering.

To find the books discused during the forum you can utilise the buttons below.

Bringing War Back In   

Mounting Pressures on the Rule of Law 

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