
Celebrating Bolivia's Independence Day

  • Canning House

Canning House is pleased to present a virtual celebration of Boliva's Independence Day, with a selection of resources to mark the day.

Celebrating Bolivia's Independence Day

Canning House is pleased to present a virtual celebration of Bolivia's Independence Day, on 6 August!

Including a selection of videos and other resources celebrating Bolivia and Bolivian culture.

Serenata a Bolivia

The Bolivian Ministry of Cultures, Decolonisation and Depatrialcalisation held the Serenata a Bolivia to mark the 196th anniversary of the country's independece. Watch the recording at the Ministry's Facebook page:

Watch it here

Brits in Bolivia - bits and pieces

Join the Anglo-Bolivian Society for a presentation by former British diplomat Alan Shave on the British in Bolivia.

Living in La Paz since his retirement in 1996, Alan was challenged, over a glass of cognac, to write a history of the British in Bolivia. His investigations have now produced some 40 chapters in draft – and he’s still researching everything British in his adoptive country from bilateral relations to spies, mining and railway development, alleged British ‘interests’ in the Pacific and Chaco Wars, and even the story of ‘Big Ben’, the wandering clock tower of La Paz, and the city’s ‘British’ Cemetery. ‘Bits and pieces’, he says, which may someday become a readable history of the British in Bolivia.

Learn more

Exploring Bolivian Culture

Dance & Music

Bolivia's cultural heritage includes unique dances and music. Enjoy presentations by Bolivian dancers and music artists based in the UK.


Bolivia's gastronomy is best known for its unique street food. In this video, Bolivian Chef Belen Borda, executive chef of Belen Restaurante, gives a short introduction to some of the most popular street food options you should try when visiting Bolivia.

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