The Challenges facing Latin American Societies in the UK
On 29 January Canning House hosted the Latin American Societies Forum which convened Latin American societies and NGOs based in the UK for an informative and constructive discussion.
Canning House is pleased to join the Anglo-Argentine Society in support of Inglés para mi Futuro, providing free English tuition to children from low-income families in Argentina.
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Canning House is pleased to join the Anglo-Argentine Society in support of the charity Inglés para mi Futuro.
Based in the city of Rosario, in the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina, Inglés para mi Futuro is a charitable initiative that provides free English lessons to children from low-income families in the area.
The project is run by the Rosario branch of the Argentine-British Community Council (ABCC), partner organisation of the Anglo-Argentine Society. Inglés para mi Futuro was launched in 2019 with two class groups, and the aim now is to grow the project to four class groups this year (2021), and to reach a total of 50 children aged between 6 and 12.
The Anglo Argentine Society has supported Ingles para mi Futuro since 2018. This year, the Society set a fundraising target of £1,600 to cover the salaries of two teachers for one year. Canning House has donated £1,000 to the fundraiser. Thanks to the generosity of the AAS’ members and friends, they have now reached their target, achieved in time for the start of the academic year.
Canning House is proud to continue its long-standing association and collaboration with the Anglo-Argentine Society.
The Anglo-Argentine Society, founded in 1948, is a registered charity whose objectives are to strengthen the cultural links and friendship between the peoples of Britain and Argentina. They do so by organising a variety of events in the UK. They also support charities in Argentina for a period of two years each. This year, due to the pandemic, the AAS Committee decided to continue to support the following charities in 2021: “Inglés para mi futuro” and “Cricket sin Fronteras”, a social-inclusion project in Buenos Aires.
Follow the AAS on Instagram: @aasangloargentine
Twitter: @AngloArgentineS
Facebook: The Anglo Argentine Society
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