Join Malu Gatto at Canning House as she launches her new book 'Resistance to Gender Quotas in Latin America'. This event is the first in our Women's Day Series, which celebrates the achievements of women in Latin America.
Resistance to Gender Quotas in Latin America
- March
In the first event of the Canning House Women's Day Series Malu Gatto will be discussing her upcoming book with Maxine Molyneux.
The book, 'Resistance to Gender Quotas in Latin America', will examine how gender quotas within electoral settings have arisen in almost every region of the world. Gatto's work is the first book to follow legislator's behaviour towards gender quotas closely, and it sheds light onto how majority male incumbents often follow their self-preservation instincts, slowing and weakening the implementiation of such quotas. This discussion will focus primarily on policymaking in Brazil, Costa Rica, and Chile, but it will provide insight into approaches to gender equality in Latin America more broadly. This event will provide a space for a valuable discussion on gender quotas in Latin America, and the political situation of women in Latin America today.
Dr Malu Gatto is an Associate Professor of Latin American Politics at the Institute of the Americas at University College London (UCL). She will be in conversation with Professor Maxine Molyneux, the Director of The Institute.
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