
Meeting with the President of Shell Mexico

  • 126 Wigmore St, Marylebone, London W1U 3RY

Canning House welcomes Alberto de la Fuente Piñeirua, President of Shell Mexico, to give a briefing to corporate members.

Canning House corporate members are invited to a special briefing on the energy sector in Mexico, with Alberto de la Fuente Piñeirua.

The Speakers

Alberto de la Fuente Piñeirua

President of Shell Mexico

Alberto de la Fuente Piñeirua has two degrees, one in Economics and another in International Relations, both from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). Later, he completed a Masters of Philosophy in Economics and Social History from Oxford University in the UK and an MBA from the Australian School of Business at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). Within the Mexican public sector, Alberto worked in the Office of the Presidency, in the Ministry of Energy, and in the Energy Regulatory Commission. He joined Shell as Marketing Manager for the North West Shelf Gas Project in Perth, Australia in 2006 and, in late 2008 he moved to the Middle East, where he was appointed by Shell as Shareholder Representative and Business Advisor for Oman LNG and Qalhat LNG. He was named President of Shell in Mexico in July 2012, thereby completing a fully Mexican management team.

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