
Conversatorio de Paz: End of year Reflections

An end of year seminar to discuss the latest round of peace negotiations between the Colombian government and the FARC. This follows on from a series of seminars put together at the end of 2013 and into 2014 which gathered a lot of traction.

The participants will have the opportunity to draw up a report from each discussion to be published on the webpages of the sponsors.

Structure of the conversatorios:

Introduction and presentations (30 minutes)

Discussion and questions (45 minutes)

Conclusions and selection of points to be drafted into report (15 minutes)

We our delighted to welcome our guest speaker: Ana Carrigan, a Colombian-Irish journalist and cinematographer dedicated to exploring human rights issues in Latin America. Her award-winning films include Roses in December (1982), She’s Nobody’s Baby (1985), Heartstrings (1986), and Misquito Come Home (1987) and Monsenor; The Last Journey of Oscar Romero - documentary film produced, directed and written by in collaboration with editor Juliet Weber for The University of Notre Dame, Indiana, 2010. Her articles have appeared in The New York Times, The Boston Globe, and The Irish Times, for Open Democracy and Verdad Abierta. She has written two highly acclaimed books: Salvador Witness: The Life and Calling of Jean Donovan (Simon & Schuster 1984, Orbis 2005) and The Palace of Justice: A Colombian Tragedy (Four Walls Eight Windows, 1993), plus a Spanish translation of this book. Carrigan has lived in Bogota, New York, Dublin and London.

Spaces are very limited for this event so please only sign up if you are certain to attend.

This is a joint event with Bacup, Plataforma and Rodeemos el Dialogo.

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