What future for Mercosur?
The Southern Common Market, or Mercosur, is a South American trade bloc and customs union comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay whose “primary objective is to provide a space that can generate commercial opportunities and investments through competitive integration of national economies in international markets”.
Conceived in 1991, the bloc has implemented freedom of movement for all citizens, as well as a common design for vehicle number plates and passports, but its customs union remains flawed and attempts to further deepen integration have been stymied by internal divisions... download the full paper to read on...
Sections include...
- What future for Mercosur?
- What has Mercosur achieved so far?
- Argentina: Protecting national industry remains a priority
- Brazil: Change of approach on the horizon with return of Lula
- Paraguay: Keen for trade liberalisation but remaining pragmatic
- Uruguay: Longstanding frustrations boiling over
- What next for Mercosur?
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