Latin American Weekly Report
28/01/2021 - ‘Bolsonarista’ foreign policy at a crossroads
Now that former US president Donald Trump (2017-2021) has left the White House, and an era of more measured US politics is expected under his successor Joe Biden, Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro could head off in one of three foreign policy directions, Thiago Amparo, a professor at the Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) university, wrote on 24 January in his weekly column for national daily Folha de São Paulo. These are to let Brazil become increasingly irrelevant internationally; opt for pragmatism; or go down the route of radicalisation, joining the likes of Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and Hungary’s Viktor Orbán. There are signs that, for the moment, the Bolsonaro administration is leaning towards the second of these options.
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